This is no longer developed. The game was developed in 2010 and was running on my HTC Magic with Android 1.5.
Zoob is a 2D action game. You control a tank and you have to go through challenging levels. As you progress through the levels, you'll have to face new enemies and gain access to new abilities.
The game currently has 45 levels, with 7 enemy types
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The game is available on the Android market :

By buying the game, you'll encourage the developpers to spend more time on it.
The game is almost completely written in C++/OpenGL ES. This makes it easy to port to multiple platforms. The development version runs natively on Android, Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
The engine is highly reusable. There is a very clean model/view/controller separation. It provides the following functionnalities :
- High-performance 2D rendering engine
- Fast collision detection
- Grid-based spatial subdivision
- AI framework, including pathfinding algorithms
- (Android) native APK file reading and resource loading
- libpng integration
- Only a hundred of lines of platform-specific glue code